SociopreneurID founded to promote and foster social entrepreneurship in Indonesia through various activities in order to nurture the growth of leaders with entrepreneurial mindset in business, government, academia, and socio cultural.

Empathy Project

Empathy Project envisions a future society where people of any background can contribute to a better world, humbly beginning from empathy.

Since 2018, we have delivered three Empathy Projects in various regions in Indonesia. Every Empathy Project involves at least 1000 elementary school students, 300 volunteers, 250 parents and teachers, and 250 community members.





Behind Empathy Project

The responsible ecosystem cannot be created without creating empathy first. Empathy will change one’s perception to tackle various problems around them, it encourages them to be involved and be a part of the solution. We believe if they practice it regularly, they will create positive impacts on other people and the Planet. Thus, if a pool of like-minded people share the same thoughts and take action collectively, they will change the world.

That is the raison d’etre of the Empathy Project.

The empathy project provides spaces, rooms, channels, or whatever name is needed for society (especially children and youth) to freely associate, assemble, and act together to create positive impacts on their surroundings.

Four design principles of the Empathy Project

Our Strategy

However, the optimal transformation only can be reached if all stakeholders work together and take responsibility to be a part of solutions

So, we design ‘EMPATHY PROJECT’

“Empathy Project designed to encourage all stakeholders to take a role in solving any problems closest to them through social creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship.”

The milestones ‘EMPATHY PROJECT’

The first Empathy Project was implemented in Sembulang, Batam and also launched BYTe’s inaugural scholarship program.
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In 2019, the Empathy Project expanded to three regions (Solo, Tangerang Selatan, Boyolali)
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Due to Covid-19, the Empathy Project transitioned to a virtual format with the theme “Small Acts of Kindness”
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This year, Empathy Project Virtual will be delivered with the theme “Story of Wellness”
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With "Inclusivity and Diversity" as the theme, the Empathy Project went fully online throughout the year, collaborating with the local government of Solok City, West Sumatra
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Focusing on "Eco-literacy," the Empathy Project served as a platform for learners to learn, create, and share their abilities to improve the environment and their surroundings
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