SociopreneurID founded to promote and foster social entrepreneurship in Indonesia through various activities in order to nurture the growth of leaders with entrepreneurial mindset in business, government, academia, and socio cultural.

About SociopreneurID

Vision and Mission

Our Vision

Nurturing the growth of social entrepreneurship in Indonesia in order to create better future for all.

Our Mission

Developing ‘Responsible Ecosystem’ to promote and foster the growth of social entrepreneurship in Indonesia through social innovation and entrepreneurship education.

Education | Consulting | Experimentation

What We Do In SociopreneurID

SociopreneurID founded to promote and foster social entrepreneurship in Indonesia through various activities in order to nurture the growth of leaders with entrepreneurial mindset in business, government, academia, and socio cultural.

01 | Human Capital Development

Focusing on human capital development to improve human qualities

04 | Applied Technology

Fostering the growth of technology innovation by establishing an ecosystem through collaboration

How We Design Our Works

We Use the Human-Centered approach to create our programs
  • Human Capital Development
  • Value Creation
  • Human-Centered Design
  • Applied Technology

02 | Value Creation

Adopting a mission to change, create and add values of socio economic (not just private value)

03 | Human-centered Design

Applyting human centered design to innovate (people first and empathy)

Design the Journey

History Maker

We are not only thinking about our current social entrepreneurship waves,
but we do take serious development in our future generation to become “History Maker”.

The developments of History Makers start from understanding themselves (Sense of Self). They would then be able to understand where they belong to (Sense of Belonging) to be able to define their purposes in life (Sense of Purposes);

Understanding themselves and their surroundings will improve their mindset, or the capability in seeing the how the world works;

The actions taken toward improvements in each step will develop their skillset or behaviour towards challenges while also being able to use certain toolset or the ability judge which approach to be applied to deal with the challenges;

The whole process develops Individual Empathy, Group Empathy and Social Empathy that are needed to create a solution on any challenges in surroundings;

In summary, they will undergo a transformation of thinking scope; thinking about Creating Values or how to rethink, reinvent, or recreate; thinking about Relevance or being able to judge usefulness, value, appropriateness, and meanings within a context; thinking about Effectiveness or a finding new ways to change one's perspective of reality and being impactful to him/herself, society, and surroundings.

Contributions to The Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, as the UN released their 2030 agenda called Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we start to add focuses on SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) to support the agenda. We have been focusing on SDG number 4 (Quality Education) and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

Working with different stakeholders have somehow widened our scope of works, resulting in variative programs. In 2019, new SDGs have also been our included following the growth of our scope of works. The SDGs are SDG-8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDG-10 (Reduced Inequalities), SDG-12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), and SDG-13 (Climate Action).