SociopreneurID founded to promote and foster social entrepreneurship in Indonesia through various activities in order to nurture the growth of leaders with entrepreneurial mindset in business, government, academia, and socio cultural.

BYTe – Bootcamp For Young Technopreneur

Bootcamp for Young Technopreneur


is a four-day three-night workshop for 30 selected scholarship recipients. The recipients are expected to be an agent of change when they return to their place of origin. During the Bootcamp, they learn firsthand how to design solutions based on real-life problems in SMEs with Design Thinking and Design Ethnographic approach. Involved SMEs are leveraged in terms of solutions as input for their businesses, exposure, network, and financial gain.

Since 2013, BYTe develops individuals to have entrepreneurial mindset (see the way the world works), improve skillset (how to respond to challenges) and toolset (apply a specific approach). Through bootcamp, individuals can identify existing resources around them and optimize them in solving problems that have been identified by creating innovation.


Design Thinking and Design Ethnography


Entrepreneurial Mindset, Skillset, Toolset Individual Empathy, Group Empathy, and Social Empathy



Direct Learners

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