SociopreneurID founded to promote and foster social entrepreneurship in Indonesia through various activities in order to nurture the growth of leaders with entrepreneurial mindset in business, government, academia, and socio cultural.

Be Creative Innovators

Be Creative Innovators


Since 2013, SociopreneurID has creating access to quality education and lifelong learning through BCreator (Be Creative Innovators). BCreator was designed to stimulate creativity by developing PhISeS (Physical ,Intellectual, Socio-emotional and Spiritual) Skills.

BCreator aims to promote entrepreneurship education to youth through a series of fun activities and creativity games. BCreator involving junior-high school students and guided by facilitators and teachers. The activities encourage participants to understand themselves and aware to their surroundings. Participants also have learned about innovation using six thinking hats to solve specific issues and creating values.


Discovery Learning and Experiential Learning


Individual Empathy and Group Empathy PhISeS Skills (Physical Skills,  Intellectual Skill, Socio-emotional Skills, Spiritual Skills)



Direct Learners



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