Cross-Border Dialogue: “Introduction to Entrepreneurship Education”
What comes to mind when you hear the term entrepreneurship education? Is it about starting a business, solving problems, or perhaps sparking creativity? For many, it’s all these things and much more. Entrepreneurship education is increasingly recognized as a catalyst for innovation, resilience, and societal transformation. UNESCO emphasizes its role […]
CATALYSING CHANGE WEEK 2024: Multi-stakeholder-led Systemic Change in Education
In 2020, Indonesia’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology introduced the “Merdeka Belajar–Kampus Merdeka” (MBKM) or emancipated learning policy, catalyzing a paradigm shift in higher Education towards practical, holistic learning. This session will share how multi-stakeholder involvement is pivotal to accelerating the system change. The audience will be engaged […]
Global Entrepreneurship Meeting (GEM) of Be The Change
The SID week is a chance for everyone to learn, connect, and create positive change in the education system. We envision outcomes that develop impactful solutions for local and global challenges by breaking the silo between academia, business, government, society, and media. The Global Entrepreneurship Meeting (GEM) is the first of a three-day program of SID Week. GEM is a leader’s meeting where participants will showcase their experiences during a full day of knowledge sharing aimed at learning, connecting, and creating new opportunities for collaboration to improve the education system. This year, the GEM […]
Webinar : Introduction to Entrepreneurship Education
Entrepreneurship semakin ditekankan di Indonesia dalam beberapa dekade terakhir. Ini telah menjadi faktor penting dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi dan menciptakan lapangan kerja. maka dari itu SociopreneurID X Cakap akan mengadakan Webinar yang akan membahas seputar enterpreneurship, dengan tema : “Introduction to Entrepreneurship Education” Akan dilaksanakan pada :🗓️Jumat, 29 September 2023🕙 10:00 […]