SociopreneurID founded to promote and foster social entrepreneurship in Indonesia through various activities in order to nurture the growth of leaders with entrepreneurial mindset in business, government, academia, and socio cultural.

Message From The Founder

Sociopreneur Indonesia was founded to foster a responsible ecosystem to create a better future for all. We believe that everyone should contribute to solving problems in their surroundings, either personal, professional, or social life. Since 2013, we have been developing various programs to encourage anyone to become a change-maker through entrepreneurship and innovation.

We know that we can only achieve our work with support from various stakeholders. We all work together to improve individuals and organizations and encourage them to take responsibility for their surroundings. Together, we have impacted 2.8 million Indonesians through multiple programs on Entrepreneurship and Innovation. The achievement happens because we believe that a small act of kindness can create a ripple effect, so creating a better future is not impossible.

Dessy Aliandrina, Ph.D
Founder & Executive Director